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Birds News January - June 1885

D Foote researched the Robinson Constitiution newspaper for news of Lawrence County during the period of January- June 1885.

 Jan 21, 1885

Wm Delzell, Esq., is the youngest apprentice in Russellville. (attorney) At a meeting of the State Board of Agriculture, last week, our friend Cobe Garrard, of Lawrenceville was elected assistant Secretary of the Board for the ensuing year. There are forty paupers in the Lawrence County Poor House.


Jan 21, 1885 Birds news

Rev. H.E. Longnecker, who is attending school at Merom, is spending the holidays at home. Brown, our new merchant, is doing good business. Lindsay & Pinkstaff filled their icehouse last week. The Christmas box (supper) was well attended.


Feb 11, 1885

Rev. Massey, of Sumner, was called to this place (Robinson) last week to preach at the funeral of Rev. English's child. Rev. M. informed us that he has invented a substitute for suspender buttons and applied for a patent for same. He thinks it is a good thing. If so, it will save a great amount of labor for mothers and wives.


Feb 18, 1885 (Flat Rock item)

Married at the M.E. church, Thursday evening last by the Rev. S.W. Knott, of Robinson, Mr. Chas. H. Pinkstaff, of Lawrence county, to Miss Victoria Highsmith. The house was chucked full of admiring friends of the fair bride. After the ceremony the happy couple took the train for Pinkstaff-Station, where they shall reside in the future.

(Ed Note: But the couple may not be so happy when the bride hears about the lawsuit. See following article.)

Charles Pinkstaff, of Lawrence County, came into this county a week or two ago and carried off Miss Vic. Highsmith, of Flat Rock, and now Miss Laura Hudson has brought suit against him for $10,000 damages for breach of promise.

Mar 4, 1885

We are reliably informed that Mr. Chas. Pinkstaff, a few days prior to his marriage, deeded all his property to his intended wife. Dr. Wolf, of the vicinity of Russellville, is quite sick with pneumonia. Dr. Lindsay is attending.

James Jennings, of Lawrence County, well known about Robinson, died some days ago.

Mar 4, 1885-Birds

We understand that B.F. Gosnell has sold his mill frame to some gentlemen who will put it back in running shape at once.

Mar 18, 1885

Mrs. Adams, of Bird Station, came to town on Saturday and bought one of those pretty New Home Sewing machines.

Mar 25, 1885-Birds

T.C. Cook, will take charge of the hotel here in a week or two. Bills are out that the Amateur Dramatic Club will give their entertainment, entitled "Social Class" next Saturday night. This is the first time this play has been rendered in this part of the State. We predict a large audience. W.T. Houston, of Sumner, will soon commence putting machinery in his mill here.

May 13, 1885

Jim Dickerson, of Lawrenceville, traveling for the Illinois Printing Company, was in town Saturday. The Lawrenceville people are talking of trying to induce the O & M Railway Company to change their track one-half mile nearer that town. A good idea. Samuel Whitesides, a stock dealer and farmer of Lawrence County was in town Saturday. He has some fifty head of very fine two- and three- year old cattle feeding.

May 27, 1885

John Higgins' wife of Russellville, was buried in the Jones graveyard last Wednesday. We did not learn the cause of death. Samuel T. Lindsay, the photo artist of this place, (Robinson) and by the way, one of the best in Southern Illinois, makes weekly trips to Birds (on Fridays), where he has a branch gallery, takes negatives of patrons there and returns and finishes up the photographs.

May 30, 1885-Birds

There are several new cases of measles in town. Mrs. F. Johnson and Mrs. Em. Whiting have opened a new millinery store here. S.T. Lindsay, of Robinson, is erecting a picture gallery here. (Birds)John Reynold erected a large wagon and blacksmith shop on the west side. Persons having work in that line would do well to call on him.

T.M. Calvert and Ike DeLong each have lady clerks.

June 3, 1885-Birds

Gard S. Clayton will teach the school here the coming winter. Wm. Groomes, of Terre Haute, has moved his family to this place.The people of this place will meet here at 8 o’clock on Saturday to attend decoration services (Memorial Day) at Pleasant Ridge. Ike Delong, J.D. Daily, F. Glass. M. Davis, T.M Calvert, B.F. Gosnell and E. Dollahan are erecting new houses in town.

June 3, 1885

Ike M. Day, of Lawrenceville, has been assisting in this office (Robinson Constitution) for the past week. He understands the (printing) business thoroughly.

June 10, 1885-Birds

Wm Dire, our new (railroad) section boss, is doing good work on the road. Miss Stuckey, a music teacher of Robinson, has a class at this place. Last Thursday Dr. Lindsay removed a tumor from the arm of Mrs. R.S. Read weighing two and a half pounds. He was assisted by Dr. Wardell. The patient is doing well. Rev. George Smith made one of the most radical republican speeches at the Decoration (Memorial Day) service last Saturday that has ever been our misfortune to listen to, but as the young gentleman is not posted on politics we attribute it to his ignorance.

June 10, 1885

Dr. Robinson, of Lawrenceville, was in town last week.

June 17, 1885

Henry Bennett, of this place, was last week married to a Miss Corrie, of Lawrence County. (Il Marriage Index: Henry W. Bennett married Ettie E. Corrie, June 8, 1885)

June 24, 1885

Capt. Cantwell, was down at Birds last week instructing a class in vocal music. Miss Anna Moore is instructing a class in music at Lawrenceville, while Miss Stuckey, has a class at Birds, Lawrence County.


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