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  • Writer's pictureLawrence Lore


January 1889 Gleaned from Sumner Press

New Year’s gift to Mrs. M. Coffman a daughter. Francis M. Burget to Mary E. Shick married in Lukin; Esq. Staats got so excited he tried to marry the whole crowd. Mrs. Sarah Gallagher/Galihue? died of cancer. John Young died of abscess of the lungs. Charlie Gray’s house caught fire because of defective flue. J. W. Witters, new silversmith, opened a repair and jewelry shop one door west of People’s Drug Store. Dr. Murphy and McDowell retired and sold their drug store to Dale & Stoltz. G.W. Smith died, aged 71, after long illness. J. O. Petty and Wm. Vangilder have gone into the restaurant business in room at rear of Eckenrods & Hoopes store. Wm. Corrie moved his meat shop into Combs building south of the railroad. Sumner band reorganized by Sons of Veterans. The Chauncey band ordered their instruments.

After Andy Polk ran his horse off the bridge in front of J. M. Carlisle’s house, it took him an hour to extricate the horse from the ditch. Ed Westall, of Pasturefield, injured an eye from a chip off a drive wheel. While preparing to kill a beef, the lock broke off Frank Westall’s gun, struck him in the face, knocked out an eye and broke his nose. W. H. Donald shipped two hogsheads of tobacco. Harry Beard and wife had new baby boy. Several houses in Sumner connected by telegraph wire and people learning that art. Clarence Wagner and wife had a 10 lbs. 8 oz. boy. No ice has been put up and those with ice houses are afraid there will be none because the water is so low in ponds and creeks. The fair sex and her feller will suffer from lack of nickel dishes of ice cream next summer. John Stivers had G. H. Cunningham, teacher at Clark school, arrested for whipping his boy; he was acquitted. “No lickin- no learnin”. Lee Carter, son of Charles Carter of Hadley, had his collar bone broken and shoulders crushed at Odin while coupling train cars. Estate sale of C. L. Thompson of Allison, advertised sale of 500 cattle and 200 head of hogs, largest sale ever in county. Fred Moore and wife had twins, a girl and a boy. Measles was reported in Buckhorn district, near Lukin.

Mrs. Harriet Horner Piper, 66, relict of Wm. Piper and daughter of James L. Horner, Esq, died at Baltimore, buried at Gettysburg, Penn. Residence of Dr. H. V. Lewis south of the O & M RR in Bridgeport caught fire but was extinguished by bucket brigade. James M. Gaddey built new frame house in Lukin. Wm. Bline sued Ott Clubb for $3000 charging assault with a cane over disagreement in Clark school district where Bline is a director; Clubb fined $5. C. F. Breen bought his partner J. E. McGauthey’s, interest in the Herald. Frank Poland and Jennie Roderick of Chauncey married. M. L. Umfleet’s infant child died and was buried at Brian Graveyard. John Brian puts a corn sheller in his warehouse to run by steam.

John Madden died of pneumonia. Washington Baker died at Moark, Ark. Early Beadle traded a farm for one half interest in Poindexter’s delivery stable and residence of W. Provine who traded for a residence of Poindexter’s on Tick Ridge. John Cooper, old Baptist preacher, died about age 70. Samuel Laird of Petty died, age 75. A certain woman appeared before a Justice of the Peace and made a complaint against certain men of the town last week. The matter was referred to the States Attorney. After 25 years of hard labor and careful breeding, W. A. Watts sold $1,027 worth of hogs at auction. Marion May and family vacationed in Florida for winter. Marshall Jones arrested and hosted several tramps overnight. Jule Overfield, Lukin, commenced suit for divorce form her husband.

Born to L. and Christian Baker Dec 15 a girl. Half of Eclipse on the 1st. Provines and Foss started their gristmill at Lukin.(Lawrenceville paper said it was started at Billett.) Geo. Hall sold his farm for $750 to Mrs. Preston of Allendale. Rufus Umfleet bought the Etzwiler farm for $500 and Harry Jones purchased the Brian farm for $600. Victor Smith built new barn. Lawrence County Board paid $500 to McDonald Bros for plans and specifications for new court house. Dr. W. A. Lyons approved to be physician to poor of Denison. D. L. Shick and wife had 12- pound (?) baby boy. John Gaines and wife had a baby boy. Samuel Gowen, proprietor of the Walnut Shade Poultry Farm, exhibited chickens in Mt Carmel. A 6 -inch snow fell, the first of the season.

Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Bridgeport received a (Civil War veteran’s) pension for deceased husband. Martha Goins, a colored wash woman of Lawrenceville has received arrears of pension amounting to $618.73. Fred Brian received a pension. George Carter, deceased, received a pension for benefit of widow who has consumption. Capt. Thomas Porter of Chicago, formerly of this place, will have charge of the detective force which will escort President Harrison to Washington in March. Trains running through Bridgeport in excess of 30 or 40 miles per hour in violation of new ordinance of five miles per hour will be prosecuted. Railroad promised Bridgeport a depot if trains allowed to run at old speeds. The people there are tired of an old freight car for a depot. Taffy pulling at W. Stout’s of Pleasant Hill. H. Bunn of Sumner renovated and had his store painted by Capt. John Jennings from cellar to garret; in the spring he will put in new counters.

Because of the death of W. R. Carlton, the administrator of his estate, Marion May offered for sale the Sumner Press newspaper and job printing establishment.

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