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  • Writer's pictureLawrence Lore

'Til Death Do Us Part

February one hundred years ago might have been the month for romance but not for these couples:

Herschel L Kendall vs Clemence Kendall; divorce granted, and the father awarded care and custody of minor child.

Sarah Adams vs Jacob Adams divorce granted.

Effie May Cobble vs Wesley Cobble divorce granted.

John Lancaster vs Mattie Lancaster divorce granted

Calvin H Potts vs Bessie M Potts: divorce granted.

Rebecca Wehrie vs Robert H Wehrie: divorce granted.

Anna Walker vs James Walker: divorce granted.

Sarah E Bolles vs John Ward Bolles: divorce granted, and Complainant granted right to resume her former name of Sarah E Walker

Elizabeth Gibson vs William A Gibson: divorce granted, and complainant allowed to resume maiden name of Elizabeth Hobbs.

Thomas Murphy of Bellmont who has been working at Carey’s stave mill at Golden Gate fell in a vat of boiling water, Wednesday and was so severely scalded that he died early Thursday morning. This disposes of his divorce suit which was to have come up at the next term of our Circuit Court. (Wabash County)

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