What do you do when you are given over a hundred bound newspaper books and an empty room? First you start with the shelves that were made especially for newspaper books that had belonged to Irene Black at her library in Bridgeport. Then the books kept coming! And there wasn’t room for all of them.. .
So, then we decided metal shelves were in order. Volunteers put them together and wrestled the books on the shelves. (Those books are heavy!!)
And now voila! A newspaper archive of which anyone can be proud.
We are extremely happy that the Lawrenceville public library has digitized the Sumner Press, Lawrence County News, Rural Republican, Daily Record and the Bridgeport Leader from microfilm. If you haven’t found this invaluable resource in your research, you can find it here. And the best part is that the newspapers are indexed. Type in a search word and all the editions containing that word will be listed.
But because old microfilm sometimes darkened the photographs making them unable to be seen properly, if you are in need of viewing the actual paper copy, check out our newspaper archive.
Be sure and look for it at our Open House this Saturday 10-2 at the Research Library 1100 Lexington Ave. Lawrenceville.