Thank you to all of our volunteers for making the Open House a success and thank you to all who attended and learned what we do and how we might be able to assist you in your own research or education about Lawrence County.
To the readers of the blog, even though you may live far away, you can still help us. We have included a list of deceased residents who would have had birthdays this week as well as their family connections. By clicking on the name, you will be directed to Wiki Tree, a free website, that we use to add genealogical material. We would appreciate it if you would look these over, and if you know any additional information, have photos of these people, or want to make corrections, please contact us at
6 Oct 1888: Leavitt Corrie
6 Oct 1884: Kathleen (McNeil) Turner
6 Oct 1916: Kent A Benson
8 Oct 1875: Charles Newton Osborn
8 Oct 1868: Arthur Eugene Baldwin
8 Oct 1877: Sarah E Griffey
9 Oct 1914: James Bernard Holsen
9 Oct 1842: Harrison C. French
10 Oct 1843: Catherine French
10 Oct 1801: Jerusha (Avery) Goslen
Also, if you want to see more topics on this blog that you are particularly interested in, give us a “heart”. (Just click that red heart on the right-hand bottom corner.) That way the “hearts” will tell us what you want and we will do our best to deliver.