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Writer's pictureLawrence Lore

Hadley, a Forgotten Town

Hadley was a small village located on the Richland/ Lawrence County line along the old B & O tracks. The following article was printed in the Olney Times on December 4, 1858.

'"Hadley--We spent a few hours at this thriving place one day last week. Considerable Dry Goods business is carried on at this place by Daily and Yocon. Capt. Keith officiates as principal clerk. The Capt. complains of the Olney Groceries, says they keep mean whiskey, that a man can't drink more than three or four gallons of it without getting drunk. He says he will not come to no such place, don't know how the Olney people can stand such stuff; for his part he thinks it is ridiculous.

The Hadley Mills are attracting a considerable trade. Messrs. Laws and Logan are refitting this mill. Their Saw Mill is in fine order and can compete with any on the line of the O & M R.R. in lumber trade. H. Kingsbury, at Prairieton, one mile north of Hadley, is extensively engaged in the Dry Goods and Grocery Business and commands the trade of the vast prairies north and east of him and being engaged in pork packing, is doing considerable business in that line."

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