Go For a Drive
Autumn is beautiful in Lawrence County, so why not take a drive and visit some of our pioneer cemeteries. Make sure you visit Bethel Cemetery to see what a beautiful, restored cemetery looks like. (See directions below)
We want to see more of our sadly neglected cemeteries restored, but we need your help, both physically and financially. Volunteers are needed to help clean, and do genealogy for those who lie at rest in these history parks. To hire a professional certified tombstone restorer to repair and reset the old stones requires money. If you have an ancestor buried in Lawrence County, or even if you don’t, please help us restore our cemeteries by sending a check to Lawrence County Historical Society, P O Box 425, Lawrenceville IL 62439.
Attention Genealogists. The Historical Society is seeking photographs and family information about the folks buried in Bethel, Ridgley and Wright cemeteries. Please contact lawrencelore@gmail.com
Bethel Cemetery is located west of St Francisville, Illinois, and 12.6 Miles (about 29 minutes) from Lawrenceville, Illinois.
From Lawrenceville, Illinois, travel south on Illinois Route 1 approximately 9.5 miles, turn right (west) on to county road 150 north (the St. Francisville turn off). Travel approximately 5.7 Miles to county road 600 east, also known as Bethel Road; turn left (south) at county road 600 east. Cemetery is located approximately .8 miles on the left (east side) at junction of county road 60 north also known as Moffet Lane.
Surnames: Adams; Barker; Barton; Beal; Beesley; Bell; Belt; Boyles; Brian; Bunn; Butler; Byrun; Carey; Case; Chamberlain; Clark; Conners; Corrie; Couch; Creek; Dager; Daily;Dart; Dining; Dorsam; Dowell; Evans; Feldman; Gaddey; Gaddy; Geisler; Goslin; Graham; Grounds; Grout; Harness; Harris; Hazelton; Hutchings; Ireland; Ivie; Johnston; Jordon; Kelsey; Kocher; Marquart; Milburn; Milligan; Mills; Moore; Orr; Osborn; Price; Robinson; Rousey; Sanders; Scaggs; Schrader; Storkman; Stone; Sutphin;Talley Thompson; Welton; Whittier; Wilson; Wirth; Wise; Wirth; Yonaka
Ridgley/White Cemetery is located south of Sumner Illinois. (15.7 miles (about 41 minutes) from Lawrenceville, Illinois.)
From Lawrenceville travel west on Route 250 (State Street) approximately 9.5 Miles, turn left (south) on Christy Avenue at Sumner. Christy Avenue becomes the Sumner Road or county road 250. Travel approximately 5.2 miles to county road 500, turn right (west). Approximately .5 miles, turn left (south) at the first road, Ridgley Cemetery Road or county road 200 east. Travel approximately 500 feet, cemetery is located on the left.
Surnames: Bennett; Freeman; Gorbet; Halfacre; Jennings; Jones; Lamkin; Martin; Moore; Ridgley; Robinson; Scott; Shick; White; Wilson; Worstell; Wright; Youngling
Wright Cemetery also known as the Gaddy/Gaddey Cemetery, is located South west of Sumner approximately 21.3 Miles (about 35 minutes) from Lawrenceville, Illinois.
From Lawrenceville, Illinois, travel west on Illinois Route 250 approximately 9.8 Miles, turn left (south) on Christy Ave. go approximately 8 miles to Berryville Lane; turn right (west) onto Berryville Lane
and go approximately 1.5 miles. Then turn right (north) onto Buckhorn Road (100E), and go approximately .25 miles. The road curves left (west) into 200N (west), go approximately 1 mile to county road 000E. Turn right (north) go approximately .25 miles to an unmarked lane on the right/ east. Lane can be muddy. Do not attempt to drive on this lane in wet weather. If it has been mowed and the ground is dry, one can drive to cemetery. It is about .16 miles on this lane on the left in a wooded area.
Surnames of those buried there: Berkshire; Blanchard; Brines; Gaddey; George; Montgomery; Paul; Smith; Tarpley; Wetzel; Wilson; Wooden; Wright