Causes of death 100 years ago this month--Taken from Lawrence County Death Records February 1924
How many of these deaths could have been prevented with what medical professionals know now?
Verlin J Harshman -3 days -neonatal death
Daniel Anderew Phillips -9 days- Premature birth
Percy William Fowler -2 months old -Acute pharyngitis (sore throat)
Wanetta Mae Thomas -9 months -Whooping cough
Harold Dean Angle -1 year -Catarrhal Pneumonia
Kenneth Emery Rosborough- 9 years old - Typhoid fever
Lola Mae Philipps -23 years old -Pneumonia
Margaret Pearl Biehl- 39 years- Abscess right lung
Bess Tiffany- 44 years old -Cancer of the liver
George Gray - 54 years -Angina Pectoris (coronary heart disease)
Anabell Elizabeth McCloskey- 66 years old -Mitral regurgitation
Ellen Jeanette Smith- 66 years old -Cerebral Hemorrhage / Brights disease
Joe J Allison -67 years old -Angina Pectoris (coronary heart disease)
Ham Laughlin- 67 years old - Angina Pectoris (coronary heart disease)
Mary A Bunn -79 years -Asthma and General senility
Amanda Lawrence- 81 years- Senility