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  • Writer's pictureLawrence Lore

Christmas Letters 1909

Lawrenceville Republican December 9, 1909

Unknown Girl

Dear Santa Claus, I want you to bring me some candy and some nuts, oranges and bananas and some BB shot. Eugene Burrell

Dear Santa Claus, I am a little girl nine-year-old. I go to East Pinkstaff School. My teacher is Mr. Nuttall. I want you to bring me a doll carriage and a pair of mittens and a little set of dishes and a little book. I don’t want to take all of your toys. Do not forget me, Good Bye Santa Claus, Your little friend, Lorren Pinkstaff

Dear Santa Claus, I am a little boy and I go to East Pinkstaff School. I want you to bring me some felt boots and a pair of mittens and some candy and an orange, if it is too muddy to come in your automobile please come in your airship. Please don’t forget our teacher. Good bye Santa Claus, Thurman Pinkstaff

Dear Santa Claus, I am a little girl nine-year-old and I would like for you to bring me a story book and a little doll dressed in pink with a hat on with a chair for my doll and a little bed. That is all I can think of this Christmas so good bye. Stella May Baldwin P.S. Bring me some candy and some nuts and an orange.

Dear Santa, I am a little girl five-years-old. I want a doll, a set of dishes, stove and some candy and an orange. Be sure and come, Marie Miles

Dear Santa, I am a little girl seven-years -old and have three little sisters and I will tell you what we want for Christmas. I want a go-cart and a doll and sister wants a go-cart and a doll and Mildred wants a little penny doll and a wagon, and baby sister wants a rubber ring. Am I asking too much? If not please call and leave them. Josephine Cook

Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a pair of gloves and a knife, some candy and some nuts. Good bye Santa. Paul Cotton

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