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  • Writer's pictureLawrence Lore

1962 SHS "Arabs" Basketball

In 1962 the Arabs from Sumner High School were District Champions for the first time in 35 years and advanced to the semi-finals in the Regional before losing to Olney.

Top Photo: Row 1: David Brian, Dean Tabor, George Sivert, Bill Perrott, Tom Cochran, Larry Piper

Row II Larry Davis, Manager; Mr Pinkstaff, Jack Atkins, Jerry Piper, Dwight Piper, Winston Howard, Eldon Gaither, manager

Bottom Photo: B Squad: Row 1; Winston Howard, Dwight Piper, Jack Atkins, Randy Terrell, Dick Tabor, Dennis Pool

Row II: Eldon Gaither, manager; Larry Davis, manager; Larry Hopper, David Reed, Rex Moan, Robert Hobbs, Jerry Piper, Robert Ulrich, Kenny Lancaster, Larry Ferguson, Paul Baltzell, Mr. Pinkstaff

CheerleadersTop Photo: L to R: Varsity Norreta Hodge, Leona Brian, Carol Blood, Carolyn Meadows, Diana Jones

Middle Photo: Freshman and Sophomore cheerleaders: Frances Pepple, Sharon Gray, Sandra Hodge

Bottom Photo: Grade School Cheerleaders Row I: Mary Hanratty, Connie Cessna

Row II: Susan Forsythe

Row III: Connie Stout, Sharon Hopper

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