Bridgeport Postal Service 1949 from an undated newspaper clipping probably from the Bridgeport Leader 1949
Boyce – Cooper Named Carriers for City Mail
George Boyce and George Cooper have been given the positions of carriers on the city mail delivery in Bridgeport that is to start Tuesday, January 3, according to an announcement by Postmaster Fred H. Stoltz. Mr. Boyce and Mr. Cooper will start the service, and in all probability, will qualify for the appointment it was stated.
Mr. Cooper takes route No. 1, which is all of the city east of Main Street and Judy Avenue. Mr. Boyce takes route No. 2, which is all west of Main and Judy. Also Mr. Boyce will deliver the parcel post following the completion of his route at the noon hour. Both men are veterans of WWII.
Postal inspector J. J. Sherer inspected the routes with both carriers Tuesday and reported that many of the houses are without numbers. The street signs have to be erected and up by the start of the service.
The concrete posts have been erected for the mail collection service. There are nine collection boxes with three collection boxes and relay units combined to give 12 spots where mail will be collected. Mr. Stoltz states that there is supposed to be a collection box within three boxes of every home in the city where collection will be made at least twice daily except on Saturday and Sunday.
Postage for all letters in Bridgeport will be three cents after Tuesday, it was stated. Greeting cards, sorry- you- are -sick cards, get- well cards, etc. unsealed will go for two cents. Birth announcements and other letters that have writing other than just names are to carry the three cents stamp, it was explained.
The local post office increased their business in December better than $800 over a year ago while the two preceding months saw little change over the 1948 reports.
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