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1107 State Street

North Side

1993-Present: Tykals American Bar is located here.

1107 State Street

1972-1976: Underwoods’ Bootery sold shoes at this location.

1966: Vacant

1954 -1959: The Fashion Shop was located in this building. Mrs.Gladys Hedde had purchased the Fashion Shop in 1954 when the business was to be liquidated. In the fall of 1957, Ms. Hedde planned to sell the shop or move it to the Gift and Baby shop she owned on the Southwest corner of the square so she started a closeout sale. Mrs. Pauline Vinsel decided to acquire the business. On January 23, 1958 Mrs. Hedde sold the fashion shop to Mrs. Pauline Vinsel. it then became known as Pauline's.

1909- 1943: Through the years Carl Busse and later his son Lyman sold a variety of goods, hardware, sporting goods, luggage, household Items, and farm supplies. The store also sold Flash Dog Food which was manufactured by the Busse’s in Lawrenceville. In 1909 he did shoe and harness repair. In 1922 Busse advertised in the phone book that he sold automobile accessories and bicycles as well as harness. In 1923 the store advertised the largest and best display in Southern Illinois of all electric appliances. Mr Busse also did house wiring and repaired appliances.

On Lyman Busse’s death, his widow was forced to hold a close- out sale in March of 1943. Rather than dispose of the stock to outside brokers, she made arrangements with Mr. Abernathy to open the store and let the people of Lawrence County take advantage of buying needed supplies at bargain prices. As this was during the war, merchandise was scarce. Mr. Abernathy assisted by Paul Winbun, an experienced hardware salesman, rearranged the stock and opened the doors on Friday morning at 9:00. Among the items for sale were a complete line of small hardware, sporting goods, athletic equipment, luggage, horse collars and part of harness, garden tools, pains, varnishes, and various items of electric equipment.

1909: Carl Busse had a harness shop here. In the summer of 1909 Carl made extensive repairs and improvements to his building by extending the present building to the alley in the rear, a distance of 53 feet, and making the entire building two stories. A plate glass front was installed and the upstairs was made into an apartment for Mr. Busse and his family.

1972: Thomas J. Underwood lived upstairs in the apartment.

1956-1966: Mrs. Verna Busse resided upstairs as did Frank Smith, James Asmore and Goldia Latham in 1966.

1940: Noah Cambell operated a barbershop upstairs. He is the man in the center, shown in the sepia photograph on this page. The black and white photograph shows him at age 45 with Gene Singer in the chair.

1922: Lyman L Busse lived upstairs.

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