1106 Jefferson Street
South Side
Present Day: Courthouse Annex: Offices of the County Treasurer and Supervisor of Assessments

2000: The County Annex was opened in 2000.
June 23, 1995: The building was purchased from CIPS by the County and extensively remodeled.
1941 -1972: The building housed Central Illinois Public Service. During the years 1941-1959, Wilbur F. Wilson was the superintendent of the power plant at 300 13th St and the ice plant at 1307-9 Collins. From 1966-1972 William E Johnson was the superintendent.
This building was apparently divided into two smaller business locations at some point in time because a 1941 city directory lists both the CIPS Offices and the Lanes store at 706 Jefferson.
1947-??: Advertised at Lawrenceville’s newest store, Sterlings Clothing store opened on Oct 17, 1947.
1923 -47: Lanes was owned by Arthur D. Lane and sold Millinery and Ladies' Ready to Wear. During 1923 they moved their business to the South side of the square where they continued until their retirement in 1947. At the time of their retirement Mr. Lane was 82 and Mrs. Lane was 75.
A 1930 newspaper article said the store was in the hands of decorators and would soon blossom forth in new fall colors. The ad shown on this page may be the earliest photo of local children and ladies' modeling clothing.
Research continues for early 1900 and 1800 property owners.