722 11th Street
East Side

2011?-2014: Ryan's 24/7 Fitness Center
2007?-2011: Essentials Hallmark Cards and Gifts was opened by Pam Nolan.
1996-2003: Rebecca's Hallmark Shoppe was located here later.
1993- 1995: Granny's Hallmark Shoppe is believed to be the first Hallmark Store at this location.
1989: The building was vacant in November but had previously housed Bobe’s Pizza.
Circa 1961-1972: The Lounge, a billiard room and restaurant, owned by Forest Davis operated at this location. In October of 1961 a fire did considerable damage to the building when a grease fire in the Lounge ignited and spread to the ventilating system. The damage was principally from smoke and water with the entire lower floor smoke damaged as were the walls of the second story.
June 12, 1958: The Adams Building, as it was known then, was purchased by Paul Leach and remodeled, repainted, and tuck pointed. The sale included the stock and fixtures of Alex’s Tavern. The rest of the building was occupied by the Lounge and the Big four Insurance, operated by W. H. Ostrander. The upper floor was occupied by Dr. L. L. B. Jacobson’s dental office and a number of small apartments.
19??: The building was owned by Alex Adams.
May 24, 1916: Leonard Thorn purchased the Table Grocery on the east side of the square and the store was opened for business Tuesday.
1911-??: George W Smith & Son, proprietors of the Table Grocery, moved their stock and fixtures from the Gee building on the south side of the Maxwell building to the east Side.
1911-??: While other localities in Illinois were selling loaves of bread for 6 cents, the Table Grocery advertised bread at 3 loaves for ten cents -"cheaper than it could be baked." Additionally the loaves were "wrapped in parchment paper and delivered to the customer without being exposed to air or handled by any person." The store was one of the first in the city to begin a new way of shopping. Rather than have the shop owner gather all the items on the housewife's list from behind the counter, groceries were displayed on tables around the store allowing the customers to choose items themselves. Fresh fish were received on Thursday and orders were taken for Friday delivery. Pineapples were sold by the crate or the dozen for canning purposes.On the second floor were the Deeters Boarding House and the office of Lutes and Berry, Building Contractors who built the building.
Dec 9,1909: The first occupant at this location was an automobile sales and service company. A .C. Stoltz formed a partnership with Charles Ratcliff forming the Lawrenceville Auto Company and obtained the agency for Kissell Kar automobiles. Their first sale was to Robert Gillespie, residing south of Bridgeport. The buyer took the seller to the bank in Bridgeport and paid him $2500 in currency. A few years later Burke Childress purchased the interest of Charles Ratcliff. The company moved from the 11th St. location, after they erected the large white building on State Street.
1909: Messrs Lutes and Berry, local contractors, were given the contract by A. L Maxwell, owner, for the construction of a two story brick building on the southeast corner of the square: one room on Main St (now 11th St) to be used as a garage, the corner room to be a confectionery and ice cream store, and behind it was the garage entrance.
(For history of individual businesses occupying this building see both #720 and #722 11th Street.)
1800’s: Research is ongoing for property owners in the 1800’s.