1103 State Street
North Side
2020-Present Rachel Michele's Full Service Hair Studio and Tanning Salon owned by Rachel Shaffer
Known as the Plummer Building
2007-2020: Hickory Outpost Pawnbrokers owned by Jay and Keith Loftin.
1993- 2000: Lovins Pharmacy was located here.
1951-1972: Studley’s Rexall’s operated by John Studley, provided pharmacy items to the community. His son-in-law Dick Alsman and Harry Hardin were the pharmacists in 1962-1969. Alsman later purchased the business. Bob Smith, Sharon Walker, Vickie Hart, and Frank Kitchel were among the employees in 1966-69.
1923-1941: Lawrenceville Drug Co was owned by a Mr. Peckinpaugh. A soda fountain sold Coca-Cola.
1909- 1922: On June 10, 1909 Paul Lewis, purchased a stock of drugs and fixtures at Xenia and leased the old Plumer building on the North East corner of the square.
1905- 1906: C. B. Jones opened for business about April, 1905, and closed October, 1906.
Lawrenceville Republican August 31, 1905. Saturday was a big day at the C. B Jones Hardware store. Mr. Jones had advertised that he would give a $35 cooking range to the person bringing the most people to trade at his store at one wagon load. There were two contestants. Joseph Sturgeon came in with 57 people in a wagon drawn by a traction engine. Wm. Darnell, the successful man, came in with 140 people on a wagon drawn by three teams of horses. The wagon was a log wagon, and cobbled up with a heavy rack built on it about 40 ft in length. The people stood up and it was by far, the largest load of people ever seen here. Calculating persons say that the load would weight at least eight tons. It was a very enthusiastic crowd that took the range away.
Bef 1902-1905: John Hayes Roberts had a hardware store there and later sold the business to C. B. Jones. This ended Robert's forty-four year term as a Lawrenceville business man.
Present: vacant
1959: Rexall Drug store's office was upstairs.
1936-52: Dr. Frank Arnold of St. Francisviile moved to Lawrenceville and occupied the office of the late Dr. F. F. Petty over the Rexall store until 1952 when he remodeled the Penner property into a modern medical office that adjoined his home on 8th and Charles Street.
1923-36: Medical Offices Dr. F. F. Petty had a medical office upstairs. The entrance was on 11th street.
1912 (Oct): Photography Studio Kiser Photo Co. advertised that the business was located over Lewis Drug Store. Photographs made into post cards cost 25 cents for three and could be finished in 10 minutes. The office was open all day Sunday.
1912 (Sept): Dietrich, a tailor, rented a room and advertised he would make suits and overcoats.
1911-before 1916 (April): John O. Martin, City Attorney, rented rooms over the Lewis Drug Store as a law office. In May, Walter Cochran, City Clerk, used one of the rooms in Martin's suite as his office.
1909 (Nov): Law Offices John Martin, who had previously practiced law in St. Louis, had offices with W. Monjar, Justice of the Peace, in the front room over the Lewis drug store.
1909: W. H. Barker & M.W. Culver, Real Estate and Securities Brokers leased a room upstairs.
1909 (Aug): Emmons Undertaking Lyman W. Emmons sold his building in Birds and moved his stock of undertaking supplies to the Plummer building, formerly occupied by the Telephone Exchange.
1908: Oil Company and Real Estate offices Lawrenceville Oil Company and Titus Jones Daugherty Real Estate Firm rented the upstairs front rooms. The Lawrenceville Oil Company was incorporated in 1908, with officers George I. Nunn, Noah M. Tohill, T. T. Jones and J. A. Daugherty. It was dissolved in 1914.
1901-1908: Telephone Company Originally the Lawrence County Telephone Company, incorporated in April, 1901, was located here. When Citizens Telephone Company purchased their stock in 1903, they had 340 customers. The cost to have a business phone was $1.50 monthly and for a residential phone, $1.00.
(It is unknown exactly how many rooms were upstairs originally.)
This location is part of original town lot #14, originally purchased for $156 by the Heirs of Thomas Baird: Jane, James, Anthony, William Wilson, and Thomas Baird Jr. The deed was dated July 8, 1822.